The below links will provide you with many of the resources you need to succeed at MOMBI. If you like to recommend changes, don’t hesitate to let us know.
Congratulations on your admission to the Mt. Olives Ministerial Bible Institute! We look forward to welcoming you to the MOMBI family.
To accept your offer of admission, you will need a eleven-digit number (please check the formal offer of admission email sent to you from MOMBI) that enable you to login to the "Admission Acceptance Form" page to completing your Offer of Admission includes payment of tuition fees .
You should respond to your offer within 1 week via the this page to either accept or decline the offer being made to you. If you do not confirm your Offer of Admission by the Confirmation Deadline Date, your Offer of Admission will expire.
LOGIN TO ACCEPT YOUR OFFER (If you've logged in to your Applicant Portal, you'll need to log out before you can login to accept your offer.)
A transcript is an official summary of your academic performance and progress to date. It will only include course title and final marks confirmed by the appropriate Examination Board, and award you obtained. The transcript will not contain any information in relation to the classes you have completed and/or field of discipline or the module or program syllabuses.
Receiving Your Transcript
You will automatically receive one paper copy of your final transcript upon completing your degree. This will be sent to the 'home address' listed in Student Dashboard. Additional electronic transcripts requests may be obtained for $15 (₦5,500) each. More information can be found below.
Please note for certain courses a transcript is not available. This is the case for Personal Enrichment Program and Part-Time & Short Courses.
You may request an electronic transcript using the Transcript Request Form. In lieu of a mailing address, please provide the recipient’s name and email address, as well as your email address for confirmation. Please note that requests submitted using the request form are handled during regular operating hours, so please anticipate extended processing times. To request a transcript,, click here.
Participation in graduation ceremonies is a separate process from applying for graduation and having your degree conferred.
Graduation is the official confirmation of the completion of all degree requirements and is recorded on your official transcript Graduation ceremony is optional for an asynchronous online students except for dual degree and Ph.D students and does not confirm completion of degree requirements.
MOMBI graduates can choose to participate in any or all of the two virtual opportunities MOMBI provides to honor graduates:
Student graduation celebration may not occur on the same day, because students starts a class and finishes that class at different times. Individual graduation ceremonies gives you the time to celebrate an epic achievement. After all, the hard work has all been wrapped up, at least for the moment. There are caps and gowns to don, awards to collect, and families to make proud. You’ve earned something great! With this in mind, a well-made individual graduation ceremony is the perfect way to memorialize the moment.
♦ How It Works
Live Home Ceremony. MOMBI uses one of the student references to award degrees to online students at their homes in front of friends and family (students must have received their graduation documents prior to live home ceremony, to be delivered to your home address by registered post provides secure delivery). MOMBI recipient students seem very appreciative of the extra innovative effort the school provides to acknowledge their online graduates.
Students are required to wear caps, gowns when participating in live home ceremony. PLEASE NOTE: In keeping with institution traditions, you must wear the correct academic dress when participating in live home ceremony. It is your responsibility to make the necessary arrangements for your academic dress for your graduation ceremony. The institute does not facilitate any arrangements in this regard. Please ensure that you order your academic dress in time for your graduation ceremony.
♦ General Academic Dress Specifications Per Qualification Level
You must wear an academic cap, gown and hood. You may only wear your hood after your degree has been conferred. Please do not wear the hoods of any previous qualifications - you may only wear the hood of the degree to be conferred.
Undergraduate Degrees
Gown - black gown
Cap - black with a black tassel
Graduate Degrees
Gown: gold gown
Cap: gold with a black tassel
Honorary Degrees
Gown: gold gown with open sleeves lined in cardinal red
Cap: gold with with a cardinal red tassel
Non-Degree Students
You must wear an academic gown and a neckband. Non-Degree Students do not wear a cap. Click here for an example.
Please ensure that your academic dress complies with the institution's specifications for your qualification.
♦ How To Access Zoom During The Live Home Ceremony
Make sure you have an account with Zoom, and this can be set up for free using either your desktop or smartphone.
For a desktop computer
Visit and click the ‘Sign Up’ button. You’ll go through a verification process and need to provide an email address (use your official email address with MOMBI). Zoom will use the email address you provide to send a verification email. Access this email from Zoom within your inbox to sign in.
For a smartphone
You can go to the App Store (iPhone) or the Play Store (Android) and download the Zoom app. This app will have a similar sign in process to the desktop computer instructions above. You’ll be able to sign in after your email is confirmed.
♦ Joining a Live Home Ceremony
If your Supervisor sent you a meeting link, you can access the meeting by clicking directly on the link or pasting it into an internet browser.
If your Supervisor has sent you a meeting ID, you will select the “Join a meeting” option within Zoom. From there, paste the Meeting ID, name and password (if applicable). Select “Join a meeting” when prompted.
An hour before the event, the hosts, and student log in for a quick equipment test. Other participants and guests begin arriving a half-hour prior to the event as part of a special welcome session prior to the event that allows them to test their audio connection and webcam. Participation is optional.
The emcee and technical hosts greet each student and family member individually and chat, asking guests if they would like to test their webcam. In the background, the technical hosts quickly identify entering guests without an audio connection and send them a chat message to provide assistance. The emcee continues to chat with the guests, asking where they are attending from today, asking students to introduce their relatives, etc.
How to Participate:
Eligible Graduands will receive an official invitation via Student Message Center from the Student Supervisor, prior to completion of their degree program, with instructions on how to create and submit a graduation profile to the online graduation platform.
Graduation profile includes, graduation speech from the student (share your words of wisdom and let your people know how proud you are of your accomplishments), graduation photo from the student (photo In cap and gown, graduand walks across the stage, as his/her family and friends cheer loudly and applaud. Use your in-house photographer, or get a volunteer within the community with photo experience to take the photoshoot ceremony in advance.), and a degree presentation (MOMBI uses one of the student references to award degrees to online students at their homes in front of friends and family (students must have received their graduation documents, to be delivered to your home address by registered post provides secure delivery).
A graduate video featuring student-submitted graduation profile is compiled into a video to be posted at a set date and time to the student via Student Message Center from the Student Supervisor
Fee – Graduation Ceremony for Online Distance Students
1. Individual graduation ceremonies Zoom Celebration
2. Digital Celebrations - Contact Us
Information for students who are enrolled for a MOMBI degree
Students are responsible for knowing the published rules, regulations, policies, and standards of the Institute and of their degree program.
► Taking a break from your studies: Temporary Withdrawal
Taking a formal break from your course is called Temporary Withdrawal. You might also hear it referred to as ‘intermission’.
Students decide to take Temporary Withdrawal for a range of reasons. These can include health, family, academic, and financial concerns.
If you are thinking of taking a break from your course, book an online appointment with the school program counselor via your "Student Message Center" page as soon as possible. This allows you to talk through and consider the implications of taking intermission.
► Accessing the school services during Temporary Withdrawal
You can continue using the Student Dashboard during Temporary Withdrawal.
You can also access support from the Student Message Center. However, during busy times, we may need to priorities students who are fully registered. Book an appointment with the school program counselor before your return date to plan your transition back into studying and discuss any worries or concerns.
🧷️ Download Temporary Withdrawal Request Form (pdf)
► Leaving School: Permanent Withdrawal
If you are thinking of leaving permanently, or have been withdrawn by the school for any reason (for example on financial or academic grounds), book an online appointment with the school program counselor via your "Student Message Center" page as soon as possible. to discuss the issues you need to consider.
We will advise you on your options and also aim to understand your reasons for leaving.
You should also let your Academic Instructors know as they will be providing you with a reference after you leave and may be able to support you if your issues are course- or study-related.
► Other sources of advice
You must also meet your Academic Instructor to discuss your course and find out about any changes planned for the next academic year. They may also be able to help address any study-related issues that contributed to your decision to withdraw.
► The process
After your discussion with the school program counselor, if you have made a firm decision, the Counselor will complete the Permanent Withdrawal form with you.
Before you sign the form, the Counselor will make sure you are fully aware of all the implications.
The purpose of this policy is to define the length of time that MOMBI login accounts and associated services will be maintained after the account holder leaves the institute.
As a MOMBI student, you need to be aware of the deadlines outlined in the Academic Schedule. Deadlines are firm and strictly enforced to ensure fair treatment of all students.
Information about the implications of missing each deadline is included below. Missing a deadline can affect your course registration, your grades, and your fee assessment. Please be sure to meet these deadlines.
1. First decision, one week to accept offers
Can I still accept my offer after the acceptance deadline?
2. Second decision, one week to accept offers
Can I still accept my offer after the first and the second acceptance deadline?
3. To support students, we will be giving all students last decision of ten days to accept their offers as provisional offer of admission will lapse thereafter.
Registration for courses will take place Immediately after student accept their offers.
The deadline to complete course registration is one week. Any student that submits their course registration after this deadline will be canceled.
To avoid receiving a $20 late payment fee and possible cancellation of enrollment please pay by the deadline dates below.
1. Payment of all fees must be made at the time of course registration unless other payment arrangements have been made (i.e. payment plan).
2. Payment Deadline, not later than one week
Tuition Payment Plan Date and Deadlines
3. 50 per cent at course registration.
4. 50 per cent balances are due in full six-week prior to completion of the online courses. For a more detailed breakdown, click here.
A course consists of classes and examinations. The start and end date relevant to you are determined by what you study. Please reference the Student Dashboard for breakdown of course start and end date relevant to your study.
Date and type of submission is determined by your Instructor.
A dissertation is the product of extensive research and presents an original contribution to knowledge in a given field. It documents the candidate’s ability 1) to make substantive contributions to answering a major intellectual question and 2) to communicate research results with professional competence.
In all cases, the dissertation must constitute an integrated, coherent work, whose parts are logically connected. It must have a written introductory chapter that sets forth the general theme and core questions of the dissertation research and that explains the relationship among the constituent chapters or parts. The introduction will typically include, as is appropriate to the discipline, a review of the literature relevant to the dissertation, an explanation of theories, methods, and/or procedures utilized by the author, and a summary discussion of the contribution of the dissertation project to knowledge in the field. In its final deposited form, the dissertation must constitute an archivable product, which meets the standards prescribed by MOMBI.
There are a number of items to consider as you prepare to submit your graduate work.
1. Preparing Your Manuscript For Submission
You will submit your manuscript in one of two ways:
Regardless of your submission method, there are several things that you can do to optimize your manuscript. Please see the Preparing Your Manuscript Guide for further information.
2. Initial Checklist
Before submitting your dissertation, make sure you have included these sections (1–14) and that you have followed the proper format (15–17):
1. --Title/Signature page with original signatures
2. -- Abstract/Title Signature page with original signatures
3. -- Copyright page
4. -- Abstract Text beginning with roman number iv
5. -- Dedication (optional/ numbered, but not listed in Table of Contents)
6. -- Table of Contents
7. -- List of Tables (as appropriate)
8. -- List of Figures (as appropriate)
9. -- List of Symbols/Abbreviations (as appropriate)
10.-- Acknowledgments (optional)
11.-- Double-spaced text
12.-- Appendices (as appropriate)
13.-- References (an entry for the References/Bibliography must be included in the Table of Contents)
14.-- Biography (an entry for the Biography must be included in the Table of Contents)
15.-- Margins: 1.5" left, 1" right, top and bottom (beneath the page number)
16.-- Footnote numbers begin with number 1 at the beginning of each new chapter
17.-- Page numbers: all within required margins (lower case Roman numerals for
introductory pages, Arabic numerals for text). Landscape Figures (if any) with page numbers placed bottom center of page. All pages are numbered except for the two title signature pages and copyright page.
3. Electronic Dissertation Submission Process
After completing the manuscript, the student logs into MOMBI under the "Forms" link, note that you will be asked to enter your student User Name and Password before you can access the Doctoral Dissertations form. From the forms page, click on Submit Doctoral Dissertations.
The student must then enter all information (demographic information, dates, title, keywords, advisor(s), absract, copyright info, etc.) into the MOMBI website regarding his or her dissertation.
The student then uploads a PDF file of the dissertation. The conversion can be accomplished offline using Adobe Acrobat or similar software.
The student is then prompted to upload any supplemental files he or she may want to include with the submission. These files would include picture, audio, video, animations, simulations, etc.
After reviewing the submission, the Dissertation Committee will contact the student for any revisions necessary. If revisions are necessary, the student will make the changes in his or her original document, reconvert to pdf and submit the changes online through the student account page.
To submit supplementary files (such as multi-media files or data files) along with your Dissertation, you must follow the procedures below. Ensure your supplementary files are of the types listed below or they will not be accepted.
a. Files that total more than 500MB should be sent to us on CD or DVD.
b. Reference each supplementary file in its own appendix in your Dissertation:
Create a separate appendix for the supplementary file. Make sure the appendices created for any supplementary files are referred to in the Table of Contents of your Dissertation.
4. Inclusion of other people's copyrighted material
Including material produced by other authors in your Dissertation can serve a legitimate research purpose, but you want to avoid copyright infringement in the process. Republishing someone else's work, even in abbreviated form, requires permission from the author or copyright owner. You must receive permission from the author(s) and include it with your submission.
5. Paper Dissertation Submission
Students submitting in paper (hard-copy) must present two unbound copies of their Dissertation to MOMBI. Students are responsible for all expenses incurred in the production of their Dissertation.
a. Your work must be submitted in duplicate. MOMBI will retain a copy.
b. It must be bound. Your name should be clearly indicated on the cover.
6. Front Cover
Dissertation Hardcopy Cover Sheet
All dissertation that are submitted in hard copy must have a dissertation hardcopy cover sheet attached. These are available by logging in to your Account to Download One.
You must submit your completed thesis by Registered Post provides secure delivery.
Do not print copies of your dissertation until after your electronic submission has been approved by the Dissertation Committee. The paper copy to be bound must be identical to the electronic copy that was approved, so you must wait for that approval before proceeding. Printed copies may be single-sided or double-sided.
6, Prepare Supporting Documents
Grants permission to MOMBI to include your Dissertation in its collection. The student, as author, still retains copyright.
7. Copyright Permission Letters
if you have copyright permission letters allowing inclusion of another person’s work in your Dissertation, the letters must accompany your Dissertation.
Congratulations on completing and submitting your Doctoral Dissertation.
Note: Dissertation can be submitted After you have been admitted into the program, within 30 days therein.
Students writing final thesis are required to complete academic research using the appropriate methodology. Students must also demonstrate relevant analytical skills to successfully complete the final project. The work must be well structured in order to clearly and directly present the results of the completed research. The use of a wide range of academic literature is encouraged. Students are expected to follow the formal requirements for thesis editing according to the Guidelines for thesis editing:
1. Preparing Your Thesis For Submission
You will submit your thesis in two ways:
♦ As a PDF version, for examination and approval via the online exam information system..
♦ As a hard-bound copy, via a registered post provides secure delivery.
2. Format Requirements for Paper Thesis:
♦ The Paper Thesis Presentation
Your thesis must be presented in a permanent and legible form in print. We would recommend using Arial or Helvetica fonts, at a size of no less than 12. Do not use script, or ornamental fonts. Print must be letter quality with dark black characters that are consistently clear, crisp, and easily read.
♦ Paper
A4 size paper (210 x 297 mm) should be used. Plain white paper must be used, of good quality and of sufficient opacity for normal reading. Both sides of the paper may be used.
♦ Margins
Margins on the binding edge (left edge if single-sided; right edge for even numbered pages, and left edge for odd numbered pages if double-sided) must be 1.5 inches; all other margins must be one inch. (Pagination, headers, and/or footers may be placed within the margin, but no closer than one-half inch from the edge of the page.) For double-sided copies, margins must be 1.5 inches on the binding edge.
♦ Spacing
One and a half or double spacing is required in the main body of the manuscript except where conventional usage calls for single spacing; e.g., footnotes, indented quotations, tables, etc.
♦ Word and Text Divisions
Words must be divided correctly at the end of a line and may not be divided from one page to the next. Avoid short lines that end a paragraph at the top of a page, and any heading or subheading at the bottom of a page that is not followed by text.
♦ Pagination
All pages must be numbered in one continuous sequence, i.e. from the title page of the first volume to the last page of type, in Arabic numerals from 1 onwards. This sequence must include everything bound in the volume, including maps, diagrams, blank pages, etc. Any material which cannot be bound in with the text must be placed in a pocket inside or attached to the back cover or in a rigid container similar in format to the bound thesis.
♦ Page Numbering
Page numbers should be placed in the upper right corner of the page. Only the number should appear, not "page 9" or the abbreviation "p. 9." On the first page of each chapter, the number may be placed at the center bottom, one double space below the last line of type (the conventional placement), or at the top right corner.
Page numbers should not be shown on the Title Page, the Abstract, or on the first page of the Acknowledgments, Table of Contents, List of Tables or the Preface. However, the following pages (e.g., the second and succeeding pages) of each of these sections should be numbered using Roman numerals. The count for these preliminary pages should start with the title page. For example, if the thesis has a two-page abstract, then the second page of the acknowledgments should be the first page showing a number, and it should be numbered with the Roman numeral v.
Pages of the text itself and of all items following the text (i.e. the notes and bibliography) should be numbered consecutively throughout in Arabic numbers, beginning with number 1 on the first page of the first chapter or introduction (but not preface). Please number every page to be bound, including pages on which only illustrations, drawings, tables, or captions appear. The page numbers do not need to meet the 1" margin requirements.
♦ Thesis Title
Your title should be exactly as approved, and as you used when you submitted your thesis for examination.
This means that (i) it must be no more than 20 words, and (ii) it should feature an initial capital and then be in lower case except where it is conventional to use capitals (e.g. proper nouns, generic and specific names of organisms). You should use Italics for genus and species names and foreign-language words
♦ Title page
Your title page must include the following items:
‘I, [full name] confirm that the work presented in this thesis is my own. Where information has been derived from other sources, I confirm that this has been indicated in the thesis.'
♦ Abstract
An abstract is to be included with the thesis. The abstract may not exceed 350 words for a doctorate or 150 words for a master's. In style, the abstract should be a miniature version of the thesis. It should be a summary of the results, conclusions or main arguments presented in the thesis.
The heading of the abstract must contain the word Abstract, and must show the title of the thesis and the writer's name as indicated here.
Table of contents: In each copy of the thesis the abstract should be followed by a full table of contents (including any material not bound in) and a list of tables, photographs and any other materials.
♦ Footnotes/Endnotes
♦ Assembling the Thesis
The thesis must be assembled in this order:
• Title Page
• Copyright Notice (optional)
• Abstract (required for doctoral dissertation, optional for master’s thesis)
• Dedication (optional)
• Table of Contents
• List of Tables (if necessary)
• List of Figures (if necessary)
• List of Symbols (if necessary)
• Preface or Acknowledgments (optional)
• Text
• Appendix or Appendices (optional)
• Bibliography
♦ Inclusion of other people's copyrighted material
Including material produced by other authors in your thesis can serve a legitimate research purpose, but you want to avoid copyright infringement in the process. Republishing someone else's work, even in abbreviated form, requires permission from the author or copyright owner. You must receive permission from the author(s) and include it with your submission.
What is required?
The MOMBI regulations require you to provide both a hard-bound copy and an electronic copy of your final corrected thesis to be kept and made available by the Institute Library.
IMPORTANT! Please ensure that the electronic version of your thesis meets the accessibility standards and can be used by as many people as possible.
Thesis Submission for Examination
You are required to upload a PDF version of your thesis for examination and approval via the online exam information system..
Once approved, you will receive a message from Student Instructor confirming the approval of your thesis.
Physical, hard-bound copy of your thesis submitted without examination and approval will not be accepted.
IMPORTANT! Please do not print hard-bound copy of your thesis until after your electronic version submission has been approved by the thesis supervisors. The paper copy to be bound must be identical to the electronic copy that was approved, so you must wait for that approval before proceeding. Printed copies may be single-sided or double-sided.
1. Log in to the Student Dashboard
2. Locate the "Academics Forms" menu, "SUBMIT YOUR THESIS/DISSERTATION FOR APROVAL" tab.
♦ Thesis/Dessaertation Aproval Criteria
1. The purpose and focus are clear and consistent
2. The main claim is clear, significant, and challenging
3. Sentence form and word choice are varied and appropriate
4. Punctuation, spelling are appropriate
5. Professional format
6. Information and evidence are accurate, appropriate, and integrated effectively
7. Claims and ideas are supported and elaborated
8. Alternative perspectives are carefully considered and represented
9. Evidence and examples are vivid and specific, while focus remains tight
10. Information are accurate, appropriate, and integrated effectively
11. Inclusion of other people's copyrighted material
12. The use of Biblical References and Citation
You are required to follow the formatting requirements as outlined in the requirements for final exam preparation: Thesis (Hardcopy) section of this document.
♦ Front Cover
Thesis Hardcopy Cover Sheet
All thesis that are submitted in hard copy must have a thesis hardcopy cover sheet attached. These are available by logging in to your Account to Download One.
You must submit your completed thesis by Registered Post provides secure delivery.
♦ Prepare Supporting Documents
1. Grants permission to MOMBI to include your thesis in its collection. The student, as author, still retains copyright.
2. Copyright Permission Letters
if you have copyright permission letters allowing inclusion of another person’s work in your thesis, the letters must accompany your thesis.
If you experience any problems with this process please contact Student Instructor:
Dissertation/thesis/project defenses will take place conference or viva voce
1. Defending Your Dissertation/thesis/project via video conference will be conducted on Zoom.
Basic Instructions for Using Zoom:
1. Use a reliable computer or tablet with a working camera and microphone.
2. Check your internet connection in the room you plan to use prior to the defense.
3. Create a Zoom account and download the app prior to the defense.
4. Click on the link provided by the event host (which will be the chair and/or candidate). Click on Open or Open Zoom Meetings. The Zoom app will open. Make sure to try at least 15 minutes before the defense starts in case you experience technical difficulties.
5. Use microphone and video. Mute microphone while not speaking to avoid background noise. Headphones are recommended, but not required.
1. If Zoom crashes or has trouble starting up the meeting more than once, quit Zoom and try turning your computer off and back on again.
2. If you are experiencing audio or video issues (i.e. other participants cannot see or hear you), first, try leaving and re-entering the room.
3. If your connection is poor or video is not working well (freezing, etc.), try:
a. Moving closer to your wireless router
b. Turning off your video
c. Turning off all video except the person questioning the candidate
d. Only if (a) and (b) don’t work: Ask other members of your family to avoid high-bandwidth activities, i.e. Netflix, other video calls, Fortnite, etc.
e. Leaving the room and re-joining via phone
4. If there is substantial audio feedback / echoes, mute your microphones when not speaking and/or switch to headphones
During and after the defence
♦ Be aware that without a live audience, it’s difficult to know how you’re doing based on audience cues. Try not to read into the faces of your committee too much – or hide the video of the committee while you’re presenting if seeing them makes you nervous.
♦ Silence may also seem harder to tolerate in the online environment, but remember to take your time answering questions.
♦ When delivering the presentation, sit and be sure that your webcam has a good shot of you from the shoulders up. In a live defence, you would probably be standing, but that won’t work here since you won’t be as clearly visible (you don’t want to suddenly be defending only from the neck down).
♦ Remember to look at the camera when you are talking (and not at the screen you are presenting, particularly if you are using two monitors).
♦ If the audio or video is lagging, consider having committee members turn off their cameras during your presentation. While you won't be able to see your audience, this can allow for your audio/video to be seen and heard better.
♦ Consider using a paper notebook to record the feedback you receive by hand instead of typing it out – this will give you more control over how you’re presenting on the camera, and will prevent unnecessary background noise and the possibility of your screen becoming shaky.
♦ Even though your defence is remote, try to ensure you have access to a print version of your dissertation/thesis/project with key sections marked with flags or bookmarks. This will allow you to quickly find the relevant sections that the committee would like to discuss.
♦ If you can’t get a print version, try to have a digital version on a separate device so you don’t need to flip between your dissertation/thesis/project and the video call or presentation.
♦ Referring to specific parts of the thesis might be a challenge in a virtual environment. Refer to specific page numbers or figure headings and wait for everyone to be on same page!
♦ Keep in mind that things may not go exactly as planned. There may be some glitches, pauses, or audio issues, but that is okay. Everyone is doing their best to make sure that your defence is successful and most of all, everyone is cheering for you!
♦ A remote defence might feel a bit anti-climactic. Be sure to find a way to celebrate your success with friends and family after the defence wraps up. This is a huge milestone and an impressive accomplishment. Set up a video call with your close friends, family and colleagues – and celebrate!
2. Defending Your Dissertation/thesis/project via viva voce
The Viva Voce
♦ Once you have submitted your dissertation/thesis/project you will be invited to defend your work at a ‘viva voce' (Latin for ‘by live voice') or oral examination.
♦ The viva voce is a short interview between the student and the examiner, in which an examiner poses questions to the student in spoken form. The student has to answer the question in such a way as to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the subject to pass the dissertation/thesis/project.
♦ The viva voce should last between 10 and 15 minutes. This is included in the amount of time the examiner should spend with the student.
The following are example questions that can be asked, which should be adapted to the particluar dissertation/thesis/project and student:
"I am not clear what you mean on page XXX. You quote Y: could you explain a little more about what this tells us?"
"On page *** you cite Z. I couldn't find this reference (for example, website). Could you tell me more about it?"
"What have been the high and low points of the research and writing process?"
"What were the most interesting aspects of the process? Did you discover anything that surprised you?"
"What have you learned through writing this essay? Is there any advice you would want to pass on to someone just starting out on an extended essay?"
Basic Instructions for Viva Voice
1. The Viva-voce will be conducted on Zoom.
2. Download the Zoom application either in your Smart Phone / tab / Laptop / Desktop and test the same in advance to avoid last minute technical glitch
3. Please ensure that proper Network connection is available, which shall be active and uninterrupted throughout the examination for effectively completing evaluation process
3. Student shall appear in noise free surroundings so that examination takes place in professional setup. Student is well informed and expected to carry all
the necessary Hardware (prototype model) / Software required to present the work related to your project
4. Invitees / Guests / Parents are NOT ALLOWED to intervene in any manner during the presentation
5. Students are requested to login to the zoom application 10 minutes before the scheduled time of examination
6. The link provided by the event host, and assigned date and time slot for Vivavoce will be sent to the candidates via Student Message Center.
7. The oral examination is usually conducted behind closed doors by at least two examiners, usually with at least one being from another institution (external examiner) and an expert in your topic of research. The supervisor does not participate in the viva, but may be allowed to observe.
Before you send in your work (if applicable)
♦ posting your assignment, or
♦ submitting it electronically via the student account webpage.
Your instructor will decide what kinds of submissions are appropriate for each Assignment.
Note: Not all file types may be available for your Assignment, depending on the assignment submission type set by your instructor.
♦ The assignments tool provides a single location for assignment submittals and displays the scores for these assignments once they have been graded.
♦ Once you've submitted your work, you’ll receive an email which will acknowledge receipt of your assignment. If you don’t receive an acknowledgement, contact us as it may mean we haven’t received your work.
♦ Check your deadlines and make every effort to submit your assignment by the due date. If you are not able to meet a due date, please use the "Application for Extension of Time for Submission of an Assessment Task" (if applicable) – don’t wait until after the due date has passed. You may be granted an extension of up to two weeks but this is not a right and you can't assume that you will be given an extension, please refer to further information on the MOMBI Policy for Late Assessment
Important: after your assignment is successfully submitted, your digital receipt will be displayed on screen. The digital receipt has a Submission ID number, which is confirmation that MOMBI has received your assignment. If you do not see a digital receipt with a Submission ID number, then your assignment was not successfully received by MOMBI.
♦ Make sure all the pages are included, that the pages are numbered and your details are included on each page.
♦ Staple the assignment in the top left corner only.
♦ Attach the MOMBI Assignment Return Cover Sheet provided with your course material - check your name, address and student ID. If the information is incorrect, please let us know.
♦ If you don’t have an Assignment Return Sheet, Log in to your Account to Download One.
♦ Post your assignment in the freepost, self-addressed envelope provided.
♦ Don’t post, fax or email assignments directly to MOMBI, as they won’t be tracked, read or marked.
♦ Send in one copy of your assignment only.
♦ Check your deadlines and make every effort to submit your assignment by the due date. If you are not able to meet a due date, please use the "Application for Extension of Time for Submission of an Assessment Task" provided with your course material (if applicable) – don’t wait until after the due date has passed. You may be granted an extension of up to two weeks but this is not a right and you can't assume that you will be given an extension.
You are required to follow the formatting requirements as outlined in the requirements for assignment preparation
IMPORTANT: Please read the following information before completing this form. In order to receive approval for a Deferred Assessment (i.e. approval to complete an assessment task or sit an examination at a later date), your application must satisfactorily demonstrate to the Director of Studies and Board of Examiners that the reason the assessment task was not able to be completed was due to exceptional circumstances outside your control.
Circumstances that may warrant approval of Deferred Assessment include, but are not limited to:
An Application for a Deferred Assessment must be lodged with your Director of Studies BEFORE the due date of the assessment task or the date of the examination.
The only exception is where your personal circumstances (e.g. illness) have prevented this. If this is the case, you will need to provide a satisfactory explanation as to why you were unable to lodge the application before the due date and supply documentation that clearly supports your explanation within 5 working days* of the due date of assessment task or examination.
You will receive a response to your application within 3 working days* of the decision on your application being made. This will generally be at the time of publication of results.
The submission of an Application for Deferred Assessment is no guarantee that your application will be approved.
All applications MUST be accompanied by relevant documentation. If you have any questions, please contact your Director of Studies.
To successfully graduate from the program and to have your transcript mailed to you, you must complete all the required work per course and you must accumulate the specified number of credits as well as meet the requirements outlined by the program. Students must achieve a Quality Point Average of 2.0 or better in order to graduate from any of our program.
GPA Calculation
The Grade Point Average (GPA) is an internationally recognized calculation used to find the average result of all grades achieved for your course. For each course completed the student receives grade points according to the scale below. The student’s final GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of credits attempted. MOMBI follows a 4.0 grade point system as follows:
Grades will be determined by some or all of the following:
The student’s attendance and participation in class
♦ Assignments
♦ Projects and term papers
♦ Occasional written tests
♦ Final examination
MOMBI follows the 4.0 grade point system. The grades, grade points, and their interpretation are as follows:
Latter Grade | Number Grade | Rating | Point Value |
A+ | 90 -100 | 4.0 | |
A | 85 -89 | Excellent | 4.0 |
A- | 80-84 | 3.7 | |
B+ | 77-79 | 3.3 | |
B | 73-76 | Good | 3.0 |
B- | 70-72 | 2.7 | |
C+ | 67-69 | 2.3 | |
C | 63-66 | Satisfactory | 2.0 |
C- | 60-62 | 1.7 | |
D+ | 55-59 | 1.3 | |
D | 50-54 | Poor | 1.0 |
F | 0.49 | Failure | 0.0 |
P | 50 or above | Pass | |
AU | ----------- | Audit | |
I | ----------- | Incomplete | |
W | ----------- | Withdrew |
► Passing Grades Description
♦ A+, A, A- -- Exceptional, outstanding and excellent performance. Normally achieved by a minimum of students. These grades indicate a student who is self initiating, exceeds expectation and has an insightful grasp of the subject matter.
♦ B+, B, B- -- Very good, good and solid performance. Normally achieved by the largest number of students. These grades indicate a good grasp of the subject matter or excellent grasp in one area balanced with satisfactory grasp in the other area.
♦ C+, C, C- -- Satisfactory, or minimally satisfactory. These grades indicate a satisfactory performance and knowledge of the subject matter.
♦ D -- Marginal Performance. A student receiving this grade demonstrated a superficial grasp of the subject matter.
► Failing Grades Description
♦ F -- Unsatisfactory performance. Wrote final examination and completed course requirements; no supplemental.
♦ P -- N/A
♦ AU -- N/A
♦ I -- N/A
♦ W -- N/A
Director of Studies are responsible for establishing final grades for students. Students should resolve any questions about a final grade with their Supervisor/Instructor as soon as possible after it has been issued. Students have three weeks (21 days) from the date a grade is issued to dispute it. After three-week grace period, the final grade will stand. Any changes after that period will be determined by the Director of Studies and accompanied with the respective fee.
The following sections attempt to summarize the most common causes of Access Denied Error when using MOMBI.
Due to students account blocked, deleted, not belonging to a study group, or not logging in, they will not be able to view any restricted pages or access their account information.
Are you having issues getting into your student account, You may Reset Your Passwordor use this form to tell us about the issue you re experiencing with your student full name email description of the issue default
Please provide a detailed description of this issue, including:
The following programs are very important to have the lectures display correctly and the lessons items function correctly on your computer:
1. Use either a PC or desktop Mac(We are unable to guarantee that our curriculum will function correctly on an iPad or tablet. DO NOT use mobile devices for course work.)
2. Use either Chrome or Firefox internet browser (and enable JavaScript)(Safari’s latest update has proven to be problematic with curriculum package files, and Internet Explorer may work, but can be inconsistent in function and quality; therefore we do not guarantee support on these browsers.)
3. Download the latest version of Adobe Flash Player and JavaScript(Abode and Java have regular updates so even if you were a student last semester, you should check to see if you have the latest version downloaded on your computer.)
4. Submit assignments in Microsoft Word or PDF.(Student using iPages or Open Office must have the ability to convert documents to a .docx or .pdf file type.)
As soon as your last program requirement has been fulfilled and recorded. Your Graduation documents are sent out approximately 3 to 4 weeks after graduation to your permanent address. Couriers cannot deliver to PO boxes. You will receive a tracking number once your document has been sent.
Your Student ID Card will be asked by the delivery officer as a means of identification to receive your graduation documents. It must be original (not sample), with a unique student identifier number, must include a clear photograph of the individual student, additional school information can be found in the QR code on the ID card.
Processing time: 3-4 weeks, and does not include the estimated shipping time.
Return/Refund Policy
In event that you found your ordered item was shipped in error resulted from our mistake, you may return new within 3 days of delivery, Items should be returned in their original packaging. We'll also pay the return shipping costs after it is proven that the return is a result of our error. You should expect to receive your order within four 2 weeks of giving your order to the return shipper.
Items being shipped by the MOMBI are also processed through this department:
Shipping & Receiving Department
Mount Olives Ministerial Bible Institute
P.O. Box 10436, Lagos State University,
Ojo, Lagos - Nigeria, WA 102101
Please note: In event that you found your ordered item was shipped in error resulted from your mistake, the return shipping costs will be at the students expense. Please confirm that your name is spelled the way you would like it to appear on your Degree, your Diploma, your Certificate. Check to make sure the address listed in the system is the one you would like your Degree, your Diploma, your Certificate mailed to.
1. Use the form below to submit documents which are requested in support of your application
2. Please ensure that your files are named with a short name that includes your program of study to enable us to match your document submission to your application.